
Intended Outcomes

The Muslim Women’s Collective is a not for profit Company Limited by Guarantee which seeks to:

Established Track Records

The Collective’s established and evidence-based track record of quality service delivery has been achieved by a unique, sustained partnership  of community, voluntary, non-profit and charitable organisations working together for the common good of people living and working in Tower Hamlets.

Diverse Range of Agencies and Services

This partnership provides access to a diverse range of agencies and services that can work together to deliver individualised care to all members of the Tower Hamlets community, and we plan to expand and offer the work that we do to other local authorities.

Find out more about the future plans of MWC


Supporting and empowering the women’s voice in Tower Hamlets…

Contact Us

Wapping Womens Centre
Philchurch Place, Pinchin Street
London E1 1PJ

Telephone: 020 7702 0036

Copyright © 2012Muslim Women's Collective.